An Official BLACKMOOR™ Setting
Get your OSR on! It's RPG history - It's RPG philosophy - It's tips and tricks on how to be a better DM from the people who invented the game - And a complete 10 level mega-dungeon module with OSR rules!
Playable with D&D 5E, OD&D, AD&D, and any D&D OSR clone rules such as Old School Essentials, Shadowdark, Blueholme, Delving Deeper, Swords & Wizardry, etc.
The long awaited paperback version of The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg is here!
Get your copy now!
In 1971, Greg Svenson and his friends took part in the very first dungeon adventure game, Blackmoor, created by their friend, Dave Arneson.
The large group of players descended into Blackmoor Dungeon in search of a wizard and his cohort, an evil Balrog. Greg was the only player to survive this momentous first game session, earning the title: The Great Svenni. As his game persona, Greg would go on to become the most celebrated character in the history of Blackmoor and RPGs.
Then, in the summer of 1973, as Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax worked to complete the manuscript for Dungeons & Dragons, Greg was given a play-test copy of this novel new game.
A complete flip-through of the book.
Please note: Paperback version is in all black & white

He used these rules to create his own adventure dungeon, The Dungeons of Tonisborg.
One day, Greg loaned his maps to a friend to make copies. An unexpected disaster struck: the maps, stowed in an old magazine, were thrown away. All ten original map levels of Greg's epic mega-dungeon were thought lost forever. This lost map set came to be known as The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg among the "Blackmoor Bunch."
Thirty-five years later, during the making of the documentary film, Secrets of Blackmoor, a mysterious set of photocopied dungeon maps was unearthed. D. H. Boggs emailed copies to Greg Svenson, who instantly recognized his own handwriting, declaring that these old photocopies were indeed copies of his original Tonisborg Dungeon.
Now published with extensive background information, The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg is not like any RPG Game Module you've ever encountered before.
Step back into time with this stand-alone book, presenting the second oldest mega-dungeon created in the Twin Cities during the early development of RPGs.
It's a history of RPG dungeons
It's a guide to the secret art of the Dungeon Master - from the people who invented it.
It's a rediscovered ten-level mega-dungeon filled with monsters and hidden treasures.
It's an entire old-school role-playing game, or use it as a massive source book for your favorite RPG - complete with old-school rules for creating player personas, outfitting equipment, & adventuring. Plus there's extensive charts for generating treasures, a spellbook, and a compendium of mythical creatures.

Everything you need to play is in this one volume!
Guide your players through a deep dive into the dungeon as you learn RPG history, philosophy, and traditional game methods to improve your gaming sessions.
Immerse yourself and your friends into a fantastic world of adventure with this historic mega-dungeon using original game rules derived from rare manuscripts from times past.
The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg - The seminal guidebook to traditional role playing!
Also Includes:
Reproductions of the original drawings of all ten levels of Tonisborg Dungeon, complete with the original dungeon keys and stocking lists.
Updated maps and keys have been beautifully reconstructed from the originals for ease of play.
Greg Svenson reveals how the dungeon came about and why it's a bridge between past and present.
Extensive play guidelines teach you how to make Tonisborg rise again as a real-life experience for you and your players.
A set of historically accurate game rules are included that are ideal for developing an original style adventure campaign - or use your own preferred rules.
Playable with D&D 5E, OD&D, AD&D, and any D&D OSR clone rules such as Old School Essentials, Shadowdark, Blueholme, Delving Deeper, Swords & Wizardry, etc.
Plus: Free Downloadable resources available here.
Tech Specs (Paperback Version):
First Edition Paperback
156 pages 8.5" by 11"
Gloss Soft Cover
50lb white uncoated paper with black ink
Same contents as the hard cover version, except original map pages are in black & white instead of color
$30 US
Get your copy now here!
Need the hardcover version? We now have a limited number of copies available in our store!